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this is the compilation phase, where most of the stylesheet is "compiled" into faster to use data.

Table of Contents

xsltElemPreCompPtr	xsltDocumentComp	(xsltStylesheetPtr style, 
xmlNodePtr inst,
xsltTransformFunction function)
void	xsltFreeStylePreComps		(xsltStylesheetPtr style)
void	xsltStylePreCompute		(xsltStylesheetPtr style, 
xmlNodePtr inst)


Function: xsltDocumentComp

xsltElemPreCompPtr	xsltDocumentComp	(xsltStylesheetPtr style, 
xmlNodePtr inst,
xsltTransformFunction function)

Pre process an XSLT-1.1 document element

style:the XSLT stylesheet
inst:the instruction in the stylesheet
Returns:a precompiled data structure for the element

Function: xsltFreeStylePreComps

void	xsltFreeStylePreComps		(xsltStylesheetPtr style)

Free up the memory allocated by all precomputed blocks

style:an XSLT transformation context

Function: xsltStylePreCompute

void	xsltStylePreCompute		(xsltStylesheetPtr style, 
xmlNodePtr inst)

Precompute an XSLT stylesheet element

style:the XSLT stylesheet
inst:the instruction in the stylesheet

Daniel Veillard